Ballambo Mountain Chains (A Study on the Geography of Tourism)



  • Bakhan Khalid Abdulkadir Department of Geography, College of Humanities, University of Halabja, Halabja, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Hemn Kamal Hamaamin Department of Geography, College of Humanities, University of Halabja, Halabja, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Osama Ashraf Mohammed Department of Social Sciences, College of Basic Education, University of Halabja, Halabja, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Goran Rashid Mohammed Ministry of Education, Sulaimany, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Hasim Othman Baram Department of Social Sciences, College of Basic Education, University of Halabja, Halabja, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



Ballambo Mountains, Geography of tourism, Mountain tourism


Mountain tourism is one of the types of tourism activities which is an important and wide field for geographical studies. The mountain tourism is synonymous to adventure travel and it is one of the fastest growing but least understood forms of international and intercultural tourism product mix. Its role in the economic development of remote places and impact on local society, economy, and the environment has not fully been comprehended, Because the researchers and geographers always wanted to reach the heights and mountain peaks for finding the natural mysteries. In recent years tourists visited the mountains more, which caused the rebirth of this sector of tourism all around the world. There are various factors behind visiting those places such as seeing its amazing view, some goes for inhaling a fresh air or to see springs, lakes and waterfalls on the mountains. Some people visit the mountains as a climbing activity and some others for snowboarding, and there are other who goes for hunting and learning about wild life or to see the caves and amazing natural features. These are all factors for tourists to visit the mountains, (As a result most of the countries focused on this tourism activity and accepted it as a pure industry for developing and the growth of country economy).

The study is about mountain tourism in Balambo mountain (which is located in southwestern of Halabja province)  The study exposes all the aspects of the study area and stated natural aspects of the views of the area in general , such as topography , climate , water resources , wild life , vegetation and the role of these elements in revival of tourism aspects of the study area.. we aimd to clearify that the area of our study is suitable in aspect of its nature for mountain tourism and it has all properties of that sector. we also revealed some of its problems so that those who are concerned with give a solution and evolve the area in aspect of tourism .


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How to Cite

Abdulkadir, B. K. ., Hamaamin, H. K. ., Mohammed, O. A. ., Mohammed, G. R. ., & Baram, H. O. . (2024). Ballambo Mountain Chains (A Study on the Geography of Tourism):        . Halabja University Journal, 9(1), 337-360.

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