Effect of atmospheric clarity on spatial differences in total solar energy in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq



  • Ahmed Aziz Abdulla Geography Department, College of Education, University of Garmian, Kalar, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Suliman Abdulla Ismail Department of Geography, College of Arts, Salahaddin University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq




Total Solar Energy, Atmospheric clarity, Megajoules, Octaves


The aim of this research is to present the differences of total solar radiation in the Kurdistan Region, especially between mountain stations such as (Amedi- Haji Omeran- Soran- Sulaimani) and the stations located in the plain areas such as (Kalar- Kirkuk- Erbil- Mosil), Showing the relationship between the atmospheric clarity (cloud cover, fog, dust phenomenon) with this difference through the Pearson correlation, a study found that, the amount of total solar radiation, Is different from one place to another,  Especially between the mountainous areas and the plains, it was revealed, atmospheric clarity has a strong relationship with this difference, in such a way that, cloud cover has strong negative relationship, it reaches -(0.92), the fog has strong negative relationship, it reach -(0.75), and the dust phenomenon has a positive relationship, it reaches with dust storm -(0.65), suspended dust -(0.83), rising dust -(0.91).


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How to Cite

Abdulla, A. A. ., & Ismail, S. A. (2024). Effect of atmospheric clarity on spatial differences in total solar energy in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq:     . Halabja University Journal, 9(1), 423-437. https://doi.org/10.32410/huj-10528

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