Sargat Valley Basin (Morphometric Study)


  • Hemn Kamal Hamaamin Department of Geography, College of Humanities Sciences, University of Halabja, Halabja, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Halmat Tawfeeq Saeed Department of Geography, College of Humanities Sciences, University of Koya, Koya City, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Ashti Salam Sedeeq Department of Geography, College of Humanities Sciences, University of Koya, Koya City, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



Sargat, Basin, Morphometry


  The importance of the morphometric studies, as part of natural geographic studies, has increased. With the increase of human’s concerns for the problems that face them in the use of the earth, requiring knowledge of the factors causing the problems and finding the appropriate ways to treat them, morphometry of basins, as part of the geography, links the benefit, development, assessment and the use of natural resources to the terrestrial forms. Moreover, it deals with the environmental problems that are the result of terrestrial forms.

The study area is located between the two latitude (350.12-.00= and 350.04-.25=) north and the linear length (46012-.00= and 46000-.05=) eastward. Geographically, these basins are located within the common border area with the state of Iran on the east, and the basin of Zallm Valley from the northeast to the south-east of the study area. To the south of it, is Khargellan basin.

The study area is located in the northeast part of the province of Halabja. This basin is located within the administrative boundaries of the Biyara and Khormal areas. The smallest part is within the borders of Biyara district, while the larger part is within Khormal area and its estimated relative space is (39.69 km2), (6.47%) of the public space. The length of the basin is (8.98 km), its width is (6.89 km), the highest point is (2592 Meters) and the lowest point is (715 Meters).

This basin consists of five secondary ponds (Gwllp, Shallwandr, Daraimar, Dlaedam, and Shram). The largest of them is Daraimar, whose area is an estimated (11, 16 km2) and the smallest is one is (3, 2 km2).

In general, all the branches are moving in a south-westerly direction and pour into Sargat Valley.

In terms of climate, this area is within the region of the Mediterranean climate zone with dry hot summers and rainy cold winters. The estimated annual rainfall is (662.8) mm according to the Halabja adversity station. Geologically, the area includes three main parts as follows (Avromans formation, Qulqula formation, and Conglomerate formation). This research includes the analysis of the characteristics of basins net and the morphometric characteristics, such as space properties, shape properties, topographic properties, basin net properties.



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How to Cite

Hamaamin, H. K., Saeed, H. T. ., & Sedeeq, A. S. . (2020). Sargat Valley Basin (Morphometric Study). Halabja University Journal, 5(1), 429-446.