Tawella Valley Basin (Morphometric Study)


  • Hemn Kamal Hamaamin Department of Geography, College of Humanities Sciences, University of Halabja, Halabja, Kurdistan Region, Iraq




Tawella, Basin, Morphometry


The morphometry of basin river is considered as an important subject in geography, especially in geomorphology. Through its application, it is possible to reduce risks to human life, such as restricting the amount of floods and their danger on residential areas, dams, bridges, roads, transportation… etc.

Tawela basin river is considered as one of the mountain basins in the Kurdistan Region, which lies between the complex mountains in the north-east of Iraq. It is located in the province of Halabja. Its area is about (43.04) km2.

In general, topographically, it is located within a relatively rugged terrain, with multiple geomorphological features. Geologically, however, the region is located within three geological Formations only. These Formations are Qulqula, Balambo and Sargalu which belong to the Cretaceous era of middle life (Mesozoic).

The investigated area is characterized by the Mediterranean climate which has a warm and dry climate in the summer and cool and rainy in winter. The annual rainfall rate recorded at Halabja and Tawela stations is 662.8 and 785.9 mm respectively. The average annual temperature of the region is 21.1 ° C. This study includes the analysis of the properties of the water network and the study of its morphometric characteristics such as (spatial characteristics, morphological characteristics, and descriptive characteristics). As it is shown on map (1), the study area consists of the main basin (Tawela basin river) and four secondary basins from north to south (Sosakan valley basin, Balkhah valley basin, Hawar valley basin and Daratfe valley basin). In addition to the isolated mountain pathways in the remaining area of the study at the south of the main basin of Tawela river valley on the eastern and western banks.

The total length of the watercourses is about 205.35 km and their number is 302. The water level of the first class is about 80.46%. The main course is the fifth level. The average general elongation of the main and secondary basins is 0.66. Concerning the rotation rate of the basins, it is 0.47 and ranges from 0.33 to 0.61 for Sosakan-Daratfe basins respectively.


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How to Cite

Hamaamin, H. K. (2018). Tawella Valley Basin (Morphometric Study). Halabja University Journal, 3(1), 118-134. https://doi.org/10.32410/huj-10175