Vegetation Change Problem in the Rawandiz River Basin and Ways to Address it



  • Rizgar Mohammed Othman Hanaraiy Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts, Soran University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Azad Mohammed Ameen Kakashekh Naqshbandi Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts, Soran University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



River Basin, Vegetation Cover, Environmental Problem


The change of vegetation cover is one of the most important environmental problems has garnered significant attention within the academic sphere, due to its impact on other environmental elements, in addition to being a basic pillar for the formation of biodiversity in any region. The objective of this research is to elucidate and demonstrate the vegetation cover degradation within the Rwandz River Basin. For this purpose, the study depend on satellite time for 2001 and 2022. In this study, numbers of spectral vegetation indices were used which calculated from Landsat satellite data such as Normalized different vegetation indices (NDVI). The study concluded that the Rwandz River Basin, despite its richness in the diversity of vegetation, suffers from problem of change, so that in the year 2001, dense forests covered (8.05%) of basin area, which amounted to (238.82) km2, but after 22 years the area has decrease To (83.93) km2, and this does constitute only (2.83%) of basin area. This indicates that the river basin has lost (64%) of its dense forests.


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How to Cite

Hanaraiy, R. M. O., & Naqshbandi, A. M. A. K. . (2024). Vegetation Change Problem in the Rawandiz River Basin and Ways to Address it: . Halabja University Journal, 9(2), 349-363.

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