Geomorphic Hazards and Their Impact on the Transportation Movement in Pshta Border Port Road (A Study in Applied Geomorphology)


  • Hero Nasraldin M. Amin Department Of Geography, College of Education, University of Garmian , Kalar City, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Hemin Nasraldin M. Amin Department Of Geography, College of Education, University of Garmian , Kalar City, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



  This study which is entitled (Geomorphic Hazards and Their Impact on the Transportation Movement in Pshta Border Port Road), is a study in Applied Geomorphology, that indicates the impact of common geomorphic hazards on transportation movement in the study area.

The study area consists of this part of Pshta border port road that is separate of (Kalar-Sulaimani) road, and located in the Sartak watershed in Maidan district that belong to Garmian administration and Bamo district in Halabja governorate, in other mean, it is in the end of mountain area and the begin of sub-mountain area in Eastern part of Kurdistan region. Astronomically the area is located between two latitudes (34°  53°  45°  - 35°04°  50°) North, and longitudes (45°  36°  50°  -  45° 53°  15°) East. The aim of the study is to identify the factors that have impact on destructionist geomorphic processes and to determine the most hazardous area in Pshta border port road, in order to find appropriate solutions to reduce risk of these processes. So in order to achieve the aim of the study, it is divided into three main sections, (Physical characterestics of the area and their relation with geomorphic hazards, Transportation roads, and common geomorphic hazards in the study area and their impact on the transportation movement), finally the study reached to a set of conclusion, physical characterestics of the area led to activate geomorphic processes that cause hazards for the roads in Pshta border port, also most of hazards are morphodinamical processes such as rock fall and rock slide, that predominantly occure in Sartak gorge and the water dividing line between Sartak and Zmkan watersheds.



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* سەرچاوە ئینگلیزییەكان






How to Cite

M. Amin, H. N. ., & M. Amin, H. N. . (2020). Geomorphic Hazards and Their Impact on the Transportation Movement in Pshta Border Port Road (A Study in Applied Geomorphology). Halabja University Journal, 5(1), 491-512.