Psychological Flexibility and Its Relationship To Self-Efficacy and Job Satisfaction Among Kindergarten Teachers In Public Schools In The Center of Sulaymaniy Governorate



  • Abdulsamad Ahmad Mohammed Department of Kindergarten, School of Primary Education, Sulaimani University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Bestun Sharif Mohammed Department of Kindergarten, School of Primary Education, Sulaimani University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



Psychological Flexibility, Self-efficacy, Job satisfaction


      The objective of the current research is to identify Psychological Flexibility and its relationship to self-efficacy and job satisfaction among kindergarten teachers in public schools in the center of Sulaymaniyah governorate, according to the following variables: academic degree, and in order to achieve the objectives of the research, the researcher used the descriptive approach because it is compatible with the objectives and nature of the research, and consists The research community consisted of (1008) male and female kindergarten teachers in the Sulaymaniyah city center for the academic year (2021/2022), and the study sample included (250) male and female teachers who were randomly selected. The research used the following measures to collect data: Psychological Flexibility scale, which consists of (26) items, and the self-efficacy scale, which consists of (30) items, and the job satisfaction scale, which consists of (24) items distributed over four domains: satisfaction with the work environment, satisfaction with career development, satisfaction with the salary and bonus system, and satisfaction with the management system For each scale, the researcher prepared using previous sources and studies, after verifying the validity and reliability, and the results showed the following:

  1. The level of Psychological Flexibility among kindergarten teachers is generally high.
  2. There are no statistically significant differences in the level of Psychological Flexibility among kindergarten teachers, according to the variable academic qualification.
  3. The level of self-efficacy of kindergarten teachers is generally high.
  4. There are statistically significant differences in the self-efficacy of kindergarten teachers according to the variable of there were statistically significant differences according to the scientific degree variable in favor of holders of a bachelor's degree.
  5. The level of job satisfaction among kindergarten teachers is generally high.
  6. There are statistically significant differences in the level of job satisfaction among kindergarten teachers according to the variable of there were statistically significant differences in the level of job satisfaction among kindergarten teachers according to the educational degree variable and in favor of teachers who hold a diploma.
  7. There is a direct, statistically significant relationship between Psychological Flexibility and self-efficacy among kindergarten teachers in public schools in the city center of Sulaymaniyah.
  8. There is a direct, statistically significant relationship between Psychological Flexibility and job satisfaction among kindergarten teachers in public schools in the city center of Sulaymaniyah.


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How to Cite

Mohammed, A. A., & Mohammed, B. S. (2024). Psychological Flexibility and Its Relationship To Self-Efficacy and Job Satisfaction Among Kindergarten Teachers In Public Schools In The Center of Sulaymaniy Governorate:   . Halabja University Journal, 9(1), 267-290.

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