The Level of Psychological Alienation by a Sample of Students at the University of Garmian


  • Aras Osman Mohammed Department of Education and Psychology, College of Education, University of Garmian, Kalar, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Mihraban Hussen Salih Department of Kindergarten, Education College of Sharazoor, University of Halabja, Halabja, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



Alienation, Psychological alienation, University student


The aim of this paper is to identify the level of psychological alienation among students at university of Garmian and to achieve this aim; a descriptive approach has been adopted. The paper sample consists of 310 students of both genders and a questionnaire, made of 27 points, was used for this purpose. To fix the gathered statistic data and information, the researchers used statistic tools like (T-tests for one sample, and one-way ANOVA for two samples). The most important outcomes of the study showed that the Psychological Alienation level among students at Garmian University was high. Moreover, the results didn’t vary according to the gender and the colleges like (Science, Basic Education, Language and Humanities), or academic stages (first, second, third or fourth stage) in terms of the level of psychological alienation. Conclusively, the researchers made some recommendations and suggestions based on the results of the study.


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How to Cite

Mohammed, A. O., & Salih, M. H. (2021). The Level of Psychological Alienation by a Sample of Students at the University of Garmian. Halabja University Journal, 6(4), 92-108.

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