The Difference Between Area Change of Winter and Summer Crops in Kalar District



  • Sarkawt Hamakhurshd Ahmad Department of Geography, College of Education, University of Garmian, Kalar, Kurdistan Regin, Iraq
  • Chiman Omar Abdulrahman Department of Geography, College of Art, SalahadinUniversity-Erbil, Kurdstan Region, Iraq
  • Bnar Abdulwahab Ahmad Department of Social Science, College of Education Basic, University of Garmian, Kalar, Kurdistan Regin, Iraq



Agriculture, Crops, Winter and Summer, Positive and Negative


Kalar district is one of the most important areas of Kurdistan that has occupied a wide area of Kurdistan, in terms of the distribution of agricultural products, in this district, the agricultural products of wheat barley are mainly cultivated and are considered an important economic basis in the region, however, two main reasons have affected the planted area and the amount of products in the research area has caused the increase and decrease of the planted area of the crops, which is the natural and human causes have a major role in the amount and type of agricultural products in the area,The research area plays a key role in providing food security to the Garmian administration, as well as 2010 as the primary year and 2021 as the year compared to the main objectives of the research.The distribution and circulation of the planted area of winter and summer crops between 2010 and 2021. In this research, we have benefited from the GIS program to create maps,As a result, it has been shown that the rate of change in summer planted products has taken both directions, meaning positive and negative out of 15 products (12) products have received positive directions, only (3) products have taken negative directions, namely (Armenian cucumber, Armenian cucumber, muskmelon). Also, the rate of winter production singing has taken both directions, meaning positive and negative out of 13 products (11) products have received positive directions, and only (2) products have received negative directions, including wheat, barley, at a rate of (-64%, -99%) one after the other.



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٣- غفور،عەبدولڵا(٢٠٠٨) ،جيۆگرافياى باشورى كوردستان،چاپخانەی ڕەنج، سلێمانى، ساڵى.

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٨ خدر،سەردار عوسمان ، گەیلان احمد جمیل ،(٢٠١٣) ئابوری کشتوکاڵ ، چاپخانەی شهاب ،هەولێر.

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نامەى ماستەرو دکتۆرا:

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How to Cite

Ahmad, S. H., Abdulrahman, C. O., & Ahmad, B. A. (2024). The Difference Between Area Change of Winter and Summer Crops in Kalar District:     . Halabja University Journal, 9(1), 438-459.

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