Factors affecting the private higher education demand in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq for 2021 'Analytical study'

Analytical study


  • Fahmy Mohamad Ali Abdullah Department of Financial and Banking, College of Administration and Economics, Salahaddin University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Shler Ali Salih Department of Financial and Banking, College of Administration and Economics, Salahaddin University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq




Private High Education, Compound Growth, National Ranking of Universities


This study aims to analyse and measure the most significant factors, which are affecting the demand for educational services in private universities and institutes in the Kurdistan Region. To investigate the objectives of the study, it is adopted the descriptive and quantitative approach depending on a questionnaire as a main tool for the study. The study population would be all families whose one of their members were admitted to private universities and institutes in the Kurdistan Region. With regard to samples, it used Stratified random sampling represented by students of private Universities and institutes and their families in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, which amounted to (724) families in the year (2021). The findings indicated that all the factors, which were taken in the study, have a significant effect on the demand for private higher education in both universities and institutes. It can be seen that the factors related to the quality of private Universities and Institutes attained the largest mean agreement of (2.42) with a standard deviation of (0.38). Whereas, social factors ranked last, with an average of (2.17), with a standard deviation of (0.448). As for the relative significance of these factors, the study illustrated that the first factor represented by (social, quality of universities and institutes, institutional and governmental factors) explained 15.9% of the changes occurring in the "factors affecting the applying for private higher education in the Kurdistan Region." Moreover, the second factor is represented by the political and other factors, which explained 43.5% of these changes. The third factor represented by the economic factors explained 17.7% of the changes occurring in these factors. The study provides several recommendations: Firstly, concentrate on upgrading the language and curricula in universities and private institutes as well as opening new academic departments that meet labour market needs in a way that can compete with government and foreign universities and institutes. In addition, it is also essential to subject these universities and institutions to more oversight and supervision in terms of admitting a required number of students proportional to the number of professors, classrooms, and laboratories.


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How to Cite

Abdullah, F. M. A., & Salih, S. A. (2022). Factors affecting the private higher education demand in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq for 2021 ’Analytical study’: Analytical study. Halabja University Journal, 7(2), 82-112. https://doi.org/10.32410/huj-10412

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