Anti-Globalization Social Movements


  • Samih Mustafa Hassan Department of Sociology, College of Arts, Salahaddin University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Sherwan Hadi Mohammed Department of Sociology, College of Arts, Salahaddin University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



Movement, Social, Globalization


The concept of modern globalization has been known around the world in the last few decades. It is mentioned that this new idea is recognized after the International Economic Conference (IEC) in 1971.It is also believed that the IEC is the mastermind of the new globalization. On the other hand, the opposition for conducting the World Trade Conference (WTC) in Seattle 1999, and then the establishment of (World Social Forum) in 2001 can be measured as a clear beginning for anti-globalization movements. Next, according to the aim of this study several outcomes can be acquired.

Firstly, understanding the nature and goals of anti-globalization movements. Their goals can be identified in the limitation of economic and cultural monopolization which are conducted by industrial countries and global companies. Secondly, the comprehension of the growing stages of both globalization and anti-globalization movements. The globalization administers their benefits through the politics that will be with me willingly or unwillingly. It uses the law and politics of the international and commercial banks to their advantages. Thirdly, acknowledgment the role and future of the any countries under the control of the globalization system. In this system, the country role will very weak and presents as an organizer for global companies, however the anti-globalization movements attempt to recover the role of the country and their nations. Finally, clarification the goals of anti-globalization movements and the processes to obtain or reach their destinations. The nature and mission of the social movements can be concluded in several activities such as meetings, using of social media, utilize of internal and external mass media to represent their opposition. The employment of these activities are the main attempt of the anti-globalization to acquire support for their country and nations.   


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-موقع BBC عربی، 27/12/2017



How to Cite

Hassan, S. . M., & Mohammed, S. H. . (2023). Anti-Globalization Social Movements: . Halabja University Journal, 8(2), 203-214.

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