Borrowing Patterns in Kurdish Language


  • Mahabad Kamil Abdullah Presidency of the University of Halabja , University of Halabja, Halabja, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Peshkawt Majeed Mohamed Kurdish language Department, General Directorate of Education/Garmian, Kalar City, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



Borrowing word, Loan word, Loan-translation, Loan interpretation, Direct borrowing


The study which is entitled (Borrowing Patterns in Kurdish Language) concentrates on the procedures which Kurdish language followed in borrowing from other languages. Due to the development and change in people's way of thinking, new concepts and constituents have been appearing. For their differentiation and identification, the borrowed concepts ought to be named. For the globalization reasons, they spread around the world very rapidly. To go in line with community change, language also takes various methods to name and identify the new constituents and new ideas. On the one hand, it depends on coining new words for the new concepts and constituent. On the other hand, it borrows words from other languages. Like any other languages, Kurdish language, apart from coining new words, borrowed words from other languages in various ways, with respect to form, meaning, social view and the relationship among languages, such as (imported, translation, loan interpretation, loan blending, substituted, compounding, loan shift, re-borrowing, loan exchange, direct and indirect borrowing).


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How to Cite

Abdullah, M. K., & Mohamed, P. M. (2022). Borrowing Patterns in Kurdish Language: . Halabja University Journal, 7(3), 1-17.

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