Impacts of Computer Technology on Journalism Editing; a Descriptive and Comparative Study between (Kurdistan Nwe) and (Awena) Newspapers

A Descriptive and Comparative Study between (Kurdistan Nwe) and (Awena) Newspapers


  • Sumaya Fadhil Abd Media Department, College of Humanities Science, University of Halabja, Halabja, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Fuad Ali Ahmad Department of Media, College of Humanities University of Sulaimani, Sulaimani City, Kurdistan region, Iraq



Technology, Computer, Editing


This research with the title (Impacts of Computer Technology on Journalism Editing; a Descriptive and Comparative Study between (Kurdistan Nwe) and (Awena) Newspapers) is about revealing the role of computer technology on the stages of Journalism editing. This study is taking viewpoints of editors of “Kurdistan Nwe” and “Awene” newspapers about the role and effectiveness of computers in facilitating and speeding up the process of editing. In the framework of the theoretical and field aspects, a reference was made to the research method, computer technology and journalistic editing. Finally, the results of survey form and their analysis have been shown.

The main objective of this study is to find out the extent of the effectiveness of computer device and the level of its use within editing. aiming to achieve this objective, the researchers depend on the descriptive research, by using the survey and comparable methods. The samples were taken from “Kurdistan Nwe” and “Awene” in the form of (General Coverage), researchers have used survey, interview tools, focus group, statistical tools and percentages.

Finally, the research has concluded that, the editors of both newspapers constantly use desktop computers to create stories. In both newspapers, the Microsoft Word program has the most use. Using computer machine can always improve and speed up the editing and decrease the cost and time in newspaper. It will also make connection between the staff of the newspaper and exchanging information are faster and more efficient, despite the fact that because of the computer machine, journalism editing has changed from the manual work to electronic. 


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How to Cite

Abd, S. F., & Ahmad, F. A. (2022). Impacts of Computer Technology on Journalism Editing; a Descriptive and Comparative Study between (Kurdistan Nwe) and (Awena) Newspapers: A Descriptive and Comparative Study between (Kurdistan Nwe) and (Awena) Newspapers. Halabja University Journal, 7(1), 106-127.

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