Moral in relation to culture and Social Status

Sociolinguistic Study


  • Salam Rahim Rashid Kurdish Department, College of Education. University of Garmian, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Nawzad Anwar Omer Kurdish Language Department, Faculty of Education, University of Koya, Koya, Kurdistan Region, IRaq
  • Jalal Sadullah Hassan English Department, College of Education. University of Garmian, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



Culture, Morality, Social, Environment, Social Interation, Social status


This study is on sociolinguistic field, in which deals with moral language phenomenon and using moral expressions in social communications and Kurdish discourse. It tries to find the answer to the following questions such as (What is moral? What is the relation between morality and culture? Does morality have universal-based or culturally based? Generally, morality covers a wide area in social research studies. Concerning Kurdish, as it is known, there is no independent work about morality. So as researchers, we intend to fill this gap in Kurdish language and our aim is to find precise answers to this problem in Kurdish. In conclusion one point is focused in which really morality is an important field covers all institutions of individual and community life, to value the morality human beings depends on language. The study is done according to analytical method. It consists of an introduction, conclusions, references list and three chapters.


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چواره‌م: وێبسایت.




How to Cite

Rashid, S. R., Omer, N. A., & Hassan, J. S. (2023). Moral in relation to culture and Social Status: Sociolinguistic Study. Halabja University Journal, 8(3), 125-140.

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