The Administrative formation of the Qaimakamiya in Koysinjaq district– from the mid nineteenth century until the end of First World War

A historical and documentary study


  • Zana Taifor Abdulsamad Department of History, Faculty of Education, Koya University, Koysanjak City, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Jamal Fathulla Tayeb Department of History, Faculty of Education, Koya University, Koysanjak City, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



Koysinjaq, Qaimakamiya, Administrative Unit, Confidential document, The Ottoman empire


Koysinjaq is an ancient city in Kurdistan, if we look through the pages of its history it will witness that fact. With the end of the second half of the nineteenth century, a new era has been introduced, by which the South Kurdistan fell directly under the authority of Ottoman Empire. It is worth mentioning, at that time Koysinjak district in political and administrative terms remained within the Velayates of Kirkuk (Sharazoor) and Mosul and they have assigned the rulers for themselves. At the seventies of the nineteenth century, the administrative border of Koysinjak was greatly broadened by which all the government offices have been established. One of the government’s offices was Qaymaqamite post, it was the top authority of the city, and was responsible for administrating and keeping the security of the city. After then thirty-seven figures ran that position, all were out of the city. It can be observed that changes in the administrative posts within the geographical Ottoman government was a part of the policy in running their government. On the other hand, some of the Qaymaqams who have been assigned for the city have involved in spoiled administration. The important thing in here is that the study was written under the light of the secret Ottoman documents, which is for the first time is subjected to the readers’ sight.


یه‌كه‌م: به‌ڵگه‌نامه‌ بڵاو نه‌كراوه‌كان:-


- B.O.A,1304K:I_DH.01021_80543_002_001

- B.O.A,1311K: İ_DH_01316_000009_002_002

- B.O.A,1312K:I.DH.1338_000010-005-001

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How to Cite

Abdulsamad, Z. T. ., & Tayeb, J. F. . (2023). The Administrative formation of the Qaimakamiya in Koysinjaq district– from the mid nineteenth century until the end of First World War : A historical and documentary study. Halabja University Journal, 8(2), 57-81.

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