The effect of marketing and innovative capability on developing new products An exploratory study of a sample of opinions of the directors of telecommunications companies in the Kurdistan Region government


  • Soran Hama Saeed Hama Salih Department of Project Management, College of Commerce, University of Sulaimani, Sulaimaniyah, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Abdulqadir Rhumi Ahmed Public Relations and Marketing Department, Administrative Technical College, Sulaimani Polytechnic University, Sulaimaniyah, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



Marketing capabilities, creative capabilities, new product development


This research aims to test the impact of marketing and creative abilities on developing new products. To measure the effect of both the marketing and creative capabilities in the telecommunications sector in the Kurdistan region, a questionnaire was designed for this purpose and distributed to a sample consisting of five companies, where 272 valid questionnaires were distributed for analysis. To test the research hypotheses, the correlation analysis was used between research variables in addition to multiple regression analysis. The research attempts to answer the following question: What is the nature of the impact between the marketing and creative capabilities on developing new products and leading to achieving a competitive advantage in the business sector? Among the most important results reached: There is a positive correlation between the dimensions of the combined marketing capabilities and the creative capabilities combined to develop new products, and there is a significant effect of these two capabilities on developing new products. This is evident through the ability of these two abilities to explain what we estimate as 38% of new product development in the research institutions according to the evaluation of the research sample. Among the most important recommendations that resulted from the research is the necessity of relying on the marketing capabilities in its various dimensions, in addition to caring for creative capabilities in order to respond to the renewed needs and desires of customers through developing new products that suit the needs of customers and achieve a competitive advantage in the markets.

Spatial limits: The telecommunications sector in the Kurdistan region. Time limits: The length of time it takes to complete this research.




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How to Cite

Hama Salih, S. H. S. ., & Ahmed, A. R. . (2020). The effect of marketing and innovative capability on developing new products An exploratory study of a sample of opinions of the directors of telecommunications companies in the Kurdistan Region government. Halabja University Journal, 5(3), 350-377.

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