Badi az-Zaman Abu l-Izz Ismail ibn ar-Razaz al-Jazari(548-630AH/ 1153-1233AD) His Engineering innovations in Islamic civilization
His Engineering innovations in Islamic civilization
Ibn Ar-Razzaz Al-Jazari, Kurdish Scholar, Innovation, Engineering, Islamic civilizationAbstract
The Islamic civilization is one of the most important civilizations in history because it presented many innovations and scientists to human history. The greatness of Islamic civilization is reflected in the fact that it is a brilliant civilization in a universal religion under which many nations and peoples have developed. The pillars of this civilization are the scientists, including Kurdish scholars who play a significant role in this field.
In the present study, we discuss one of the inventive scholars of Islamic civilization who was of Kurdish descent. He is (Badi az-Zaman Abu l-Izz ibn Ismail ibn ar-Razaz Al-Jazari). He was a professional scholar who made many inventions through his initiative. He has collected all inventions in a manuscript called (El-câmi' beyne'l-ilm ve l-amel en-nâfi' fî es-sinaâ'ti'l-hiyel) in which he mentioned inventions in detail and explained all the inventions with pictures.
In the first section, we talked about his life, lineage, and origin. He was born on the Cizre (Jazira of Ibn Omar) at the end of the Abbasid era. He grew up and studied in the ancient cities of Kurdistan, also he completed all his works and inventions there. especially in the Kurdish city Diyarbakir, which was ruled by the Artuqid state.
Al jazari was a great scientist who had many works and inventions that were matchless in his time, we have devoted the second part to talk about the works and inventions which he has uniquely reached until that time, such as a robot and a water clock...etc. We have also referred to the statements of historians and orientalists who were impressed by these scientists' inventions, such as Donald Hill, Al-Dumaili, Sarton, etc.,.
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