A correct reading for teacher Ahmad Moftizadeh's view about Hadith


  • Payam Jafer Ali Mahmood Principles of Religion Department, College of Islamic Sciences, University of Sulaimani, Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq




Ahmad Moftizadeh, Islamic, Sunnah


Mulla Ahmad Moftizadeh has been born from a religious and knowledgeable family in eastern Kurdistan, he was one of the famous (Sunni) preachers of Iran, a person that the Islamic world feel proud of.

Using his information & ability, he was able to convey the concept of Islam in a balanced way. He was able to combine the concepts land, people and nation to religion. He struggled his way to stand against the Shah regime as well as the shia doctrine Supremes. Despite all his efforts in this aspect, sorrowfully the Iranian government did not keep its promise, and neglected the Kurdish demands.

His famousness resorts back to his right vision and mediation towards Islam. He was taking centralism idea to spread Islam, and that was a great factor for a lot of Islamic audience to adore him.

Mufty Zada had a vast area of different activities, most of his opinions have been recorded or videoed and they are either transliteration of the holly Quran or explanation of the Sayings of the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) that’s why the researcher’s intension in this research is entitled a profound reading of Mufty Zada’s opinions, and his criteria for taking the sayings of the prophet (saw).

In one of the readings of Mufty Zada we can guess that ,he did not have a very strange idea in such a way that his ideas may not be accepted, but he has a new idea of understanding Hadith , rather it was a new way of Hadith interpretation so as to clarify and reject the wrong ideas which are mixed with Hadith, with a new idea and feeling of responsibility .

As it is quite clear, Mufty Zada was not a person to reject Hadith, or disregard it, , rather he insisted on having a valid criterion to perform Hadith, and the most valuable criterion for him is its compatibility with Quran verses. i.e its overall meaning goes with Quran .in case of incompatibility, that Hadith need to be rejected and refuted, for this reason he always encouraged his companions to depend on Quran-Hadith compatibility in explaining & performing Hadith .

In fact the criterion of Quran-Hadith compatibility creates a lot of controversy, but Mufty Zada’s real life time, his reasonable understanding tells us reasons behind his criterion.

Here we can find the fact that , we should not believe all what said about this scholar, and as it is obvious at the end of the research , the researcher have stated some plausible answers which proves the opposite of what he has been accused of.


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How to Cite

Mahmood, P. J. A. (2019). A correct reading for teacher Ahmad Moftizadeh’s view about Hadith. Halabja University Journal, 4(1), 751-770. https://doi.org/10.32410/huj-10213

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