Historical texts in the book of Ibn Abd Rabo, on the succession of (Abd al-Malik bin Marwan). An analytical historical study


  • Nariman Abdalla Ali Department of History, College of Humanities Sciences, University of Halabja, Halabja, Kurdistan Region, Iraq




The book (Al Aqd Alfarid) one literary works in the high-Islamic period and contains important historical information, Where Depends researchers in the field of history often without reference and comparison and analysis of that information Until they reach that result and the truth which is to what extent it is consistent in this book came from Information With what is in the indigenous sources of Islamic history, so the demonstrate this fact and access to the results of important and necessary work at the same time, And the lack of critical studies of historical novels contained in literary books and on this basis was chosen this title.

   This research About the historical methodology of (Ibn Abed Rabbo) in his famous book (Al Aqd Alfarid), an analytical  study and monetary View To some important historical texts that date back to the era of the Umayyad caliph (Abdul Malik bin Marwan), as well as thoroughbreds comparable sources of Islamic history, in addition to the results provided and research includes two items each item includes several sections and axes, In the first item includes a talk about the life and writing of history curriculum at (Ibn Abd Rabbo). At first it was to talk about his life and his period, and then view the characteristics methodology the writing of history at (Ibn Abd Rabbo), The second item, Private analysis of historical texts in the era of Caliph (Abdul Malik bin Marwan), in Seven axes came the most important historical texts relating to the life and rule and state affairs and external relations and the death of Caliph, With the analysis of these look of texts and that of the Islamic historical sources authentic view the of the related information.

     Adopted at the writing of this research on the analytical method, view the information and analysis and compared in the light of Islamic historical sources thoroughbreds, In order to get to the truth, and in the end we hope to be in the writing of this research we have been able to offer some new information.



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How to Cite

Ali, N. A. . (2020). Historical texts in the book of Ibn Abd Rabo, on the succession of (Abd al-Malik bin Marwan). An analytical historical study. Halabja University Journal, 5(1), 541-554. https://doi.org/10.32410/huj-10286