Anthropological Research Ethics


  • Mohammed Hussein Mohammed Shwany Department of Sociology, College of Arts, Salahaddin University, Erbil City, Kurdistan Region – Iraq



Ethics, Anthropological researcher, Researcher


This research entitled (Anthropological Research Ethics) is a research humanitarian theory based description of the current state of Social Research in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, because of developments in the field of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Kurdistan have increased researchers and research and also on issues of social, political, religious and cultural Kurdish Society, and this leads us to emphasize the principles and ethical principles in research,
The Research is consists of introduction and three chapters, the first chapter describes the research problem , its importance and its goals, and determine the terms, Chapter II addressed the moral foundations of social research, in which he referred to the early thinking on ethics and the nature of anthropological studies at the beginning of its appearance, In the third chapter and the last take responsibility social scientist and control mechanisms on the research, when research on a topic he has to take as many factors in order to avoid many of the problems and attitudes critical towards himself and towards the methodology of scientific research and the investigator must respect the rights of respondents and the freedom to answer and to maintain the confidentiality of the answer individual members of the sample examined, and the Researched right to know the objectives of the research before or after participating as agreed by the researcher with members of the research sample and the extent of the impact on the expected results. and then not publish the results of research, with its moral and material losses of the respondents, as well as in the conclusion of research presented a set of recommendations and proposals.


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How to Cite

Hussein Mohammed Shwany, . M. . (2021). Anthropological Research Ethics. Halabja University Journal, 6(1), 197-208.

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