The reflection of civil wars of south Kurdistan in the poems of Abdulla Pashew


  • Shwana Noori Abdulla Department of History, College of Humanities, University of Halabja, Halabja, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



Civil war, South Kurdistan, Poem, Abdulla Pashew


This research paper deals with the civil war since this kind of war has a firm background and deep roots in the history of nations. Among these are the Kurdish people who went through this war and faced many horrors and calamities. The study is divided into two sections: A theoretical section about this war which is the researcher identified the term by presenting several definitions. A practical section in which the researcher analyzed the poems of (Abdullah Pashew) and identified the poet's attitude towards this war. The researcher followed a descriptive and analytical approach in writing this research paper. Moreover, he indicated the role of literature in this phenomenon because literature has a realistic and social presence in all the events and has an influence on them. The reason behind choosing this poet, Abdullah Pashew, in this research is that he devoted a large proportion of his poems to interior war compared to other poets. At the same time, he has a national, moral and fixed attitude.


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How to Cite

Abdulla, . S. N. (2016). The reflection of civil wars of south Kurdistan in the poems of Abdulla Pashew. Halabja University Journal, 1(1), 72-99.

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