The Impact of Ocupation and Soviet-American Conflict On Afghanistan (1979-1989)


  • Aram Ali Mustafa History Department, Humanities College, University of Sulaimani, Sulaimaniyah, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Goran Ibrahim Salih Social Science Department, Basic Education College, University of Sulaimaniyah, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



Conflict, Effects, Soviet, America, Afghanistan


The Consequences of Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan and the ten years of Soviet-Afghan War have brought this country, one of the most backward and poorest nations of the world, because the ten years of War had been Economic, Social, Military, Political, Cultural and Physical Impact on Afghanistan, Millions have been killed, millions more have been forced to flee their homes and the country’s infrastructure and forests have all but been destroyed. The social fabric of the country is fractured and state institutions are fragile and weak, and the subsequent invasion by Soviet forces in 1979 marked the beginning of a prolonged period of conflict. Also the Regional and International Intervention in War (1979-1989) in Afghanistan Deteriorated the Situation in This Country, but U.S.A and U.S.S.R Accused of Afghanistan Devastation Particularly, because Afghanistan was a Main Ground of two Superpowers Conflict, at Consequence Afghanistan became a greatest victim of the last decade of Cold War, Finally Soviet forces withdrew in 1989, leaving the government increasingly reliant on militias to maintain control. While many Afghans hoped that the departure of Soviet forces would bring peace, but the country became increasingly unstable.  


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How to Cite

Mustafa, A. A. ., & Salih, G. I. . (2020). The Impact of Ocupation and Soviet-American Conflict On Afghanistan (1979-1989). Halabja University Journal, 5(2), 99-116.

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