The short anaerobic capacity and their relationship to the performance accurately of kicking skill in football


  • Hasan Hashim Abdullah Department of Basic Physical Education, College of Education and Humanities, University of Halabja, Halabja, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



Short anaerobic capacity, Performance accuracy, Scoring skill, Football


The aim of the research is to identify the short anaerobic capacity and skills for football players, and get to know the relationship between the short anaerobic capacity and the performance accurately of kicking skill in football, and the research is assumed a relationship of a statistically significance of the values of the short anaerobic capacity and skills for football players, and the presence of a statistically significant relationship between the short anaerobic capacity and precise performance of the kicking skill of football, and included a sample search on the (12) players from football team of Shuhada'a Sports Club for the season 2015/2016, the researcher used the descriptive approach to suitability and the situation of the research problem, the research sample was chosen by Purposively way, and the researcher used testing as a means to collect the data, which has been dealing with statistical data means the following:

the arithmetic mean, standard deviation and coefficient of simple correlation (Pearson), the researcher concluded several conclusions, including: Showing the significant correlation between the short anaerobic ability and the performance accuracy of kicking skill of the research conclusion, , though the short anaerobic power test (staircase test "for Margyraa - such as security" for measuring for the short anaerobic capability by using the muscle power of two legs) has an effect on the performance accuracy of the kicking skill of football, though the performance of the kicking skill of football is directly dependent on the short anaerobic capacity in their training, and a test of the stairs depends on "to Margyraa - such as security" for measuring a short anaerobic capability by using the muscle power of two legs of the calendar tests for football players to determine the anaerobic short-ability level, the researcher recommended the following: using of short anaerobic capability in the implementation of the technical performance of the football kicking skill, and using the stair's test "for Margyraa - such as security "for measuring short anaerobic capability by using muscle power of two legs to evaluate the performance of the football players, as well as the adoption of anaerobic workouts in improving the mechanical of technical performance of the football kicking skill, and finally, the researcher recommended to conduct similar studies on other variables and skills not exposed to the researcher.


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How to Cite

Abdullah, H. H. (2016). The short anaerobic capacity and their relationship to the performance accurately of kicking skill in football. Halabja University Journal, 1(2), 230-241.

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