Locating the surface catchments sites in Shoresh sub-district (Koya district - Erbil governorate) using (AHP) model


  • Nali Jawad Hamad Department of Geography, Faculty of Education, University of Koya, Koya City, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Saya Salam Sabir Department of Geography, College of Humanities, University of Sulaimani, Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Jwanro Azad Aziz Department of Geography, Faculty of Education, University of Koya, Koya City, Kurdistan Region, Iraq




AHP Model, GIS, Spatial analysis, Dams, Water resource


The population of the study area in particular, and population of the Kurdistan region in general have been facing water scarcity, and especially since the 1960s, due to climate change. Thus, the residents of the areas affected by water shortages have been forced to resort to drilling private water wells on their own properties. However, those wells do not provide sufficient quantities of water. To overcome water scarcity, this study tries to identify potential sites to build dams and reservoirs using geographic information systems (GIS) and accurate field data.

The area under study is the southeastern part of Erbil Province which is approximately 689.90 km2 in area and has a height of 358 to 1321 m above the sea level.  In this study, we have used an environmental impact assessment to evaluate the soil type، geological formations، climate، and land use in the area in order to locate the best sites to construct dams. We have also relied on contour maps with 50 m intervals to analyze the elevation of the area, and used geographic information systems such as ArcGIS10.8 and AHP that enabled us to identify suitablable dam construction sites to collect rainwater. This study recommends the construction of a number of dams and reservoirs in the area to harvest rainwater and use the water for a prolonged period of time during the dry seasons. 


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How to Cite

Hamad, N. J., Sabir, S. S., & Aziz, J. A. (2022). Locating the surface catchments sites in Shoresh sub-district (Koya district - Erbil governorate) using (AHP) model: . Halabja University Journal, 7(3), 97-123. https://doi.org/10.32410/huj-10424

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