A Comparative Study in the Size of the Heart Between Sports Practitioners Weightlifters  and People Who Do Not Practice Sports Activities



  • Hana Jalal Fathulla Faculty of Physical Education, Koya University, Koya, Kurdistan Region, Iraq




heart Muscle, Interventricular Septum, Heart Volume, Echocardiograph, Cardiac Impulse, Sports Practitioners


The study aims to reveal a comparison between volumes in the thickness of the interventricular septum and cardiac impulse among weightlifters and non-practitioners of sports activities. And the definition of the results of measuring the thickness of the heart between two samples. The researcher used the experimental approach to suit the nature of the research, and the research experiment was carried out on a sample of practitioners of weightlifting in Erbil Governorate and non-practitioners of male sports activities at the age of (20-25) years, whose number was (10) samples, they were randomly divided into two groups, each group consisting of (5) individuals, and a measurement of the variables was taken. After that, the data was collected, unloaded, and processed using the following statistical methods using the SPSS system. The appearance of an increase in the thickness of the interventricular septal wall of the heart in people who do not exercise, and the absence of an increase in the cardiac impulse. As for the recommendations, the focus was on the process of disseminating a healthy culture among sports practitioners, weightlifters, trainers, and bodybuilding halls, and the physiological changes that occur to the body, especially the heart, and the benefit from it.


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How to Cite

Fathulla, H. J. . (2024). A Comparative Study in the Size of the Heart Between Sports Practitioners Weightlifters  and People Who Do Not Practice Sports Activities: . Halabja University Journal, 9(2), 446-459. https://doi.org/10.32410/huj-10556

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