The Beauty of Repetition in Nali's Poetry


  • Hama Noori Omer Kaki Kurdish Department, College of Language, Sulaimaniy University, Sulaimaniyah, Kurdistan Region of Iraq



دوبارەکردنەوە, فۆنیم, دەنگ, ڕستە, جوانی, ڕەوانبێژی, ڕەگەزدۆزی



This research entitled (The Beauty of Repetition in Nali's Poetry) is an analysis of some of the most famous poems by the Kurdish poet. It shows the beauty of repetition that appears in the chosen poetic models. The research consists of two parts: In the first section the author talks about the concept of the term repetition as an art phenomenon in Classical poetry. The second section, which expresses the main intention of the research, a set of poetic texts are specified in which the phenomenon of phonetic repetition and words, terms, phrases are presented, as well as the repetition of poetic sentences in some verses and poetic texts and through the beauty of the art of repetition in these poetic texts., Then we summarized the results in several points and concluded the research by translating the summary of the research into Arabic and English


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How to Cite

Omer Kaki, H. N. . (2020). The Beauty of Repetition in Nali’s Poetry. Halabja University Journal, 5(3), 42-52.