Air pollution in Kalar City by carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide gases


  • Dlpak Ahmed Hama Amin Department Of Geography, College of Education, University of Garmian , Kalar City, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



  Air pollution is one of the types of environmental pollutions.Nowadays, This issue leads to other castrophic problems in the city, from health problems to air poisoning in the ecosystem. Air is a very important component of the system that is creating life. Though air is the cheapest component of environment, indeed, it is on of most valuable component of environment.   Therefore any changes faced its component, it will affect the population directly. Kalar city located in the south east of Kurdistan has boundaries with rzgari district from the west and Sirwan river from the east,whilst it is surrounded by Bardaswr district from the north and Grdaguzina from the south. According to its space: it is estimated with 17.3km. The purpose behind this research is to identify the level of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide gases in the mentioned research area. The methods used in the research are: comparative, analytical, descriptive and practical throughout visiting the area to measure the level of pollution in the area.  


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How to Cite

Hama Amin, D. A. . (2020). Air pollution in Kalar City by carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide gases. Halabja University Journal, 5(1), 478-491.