Determining the Kurdistan parliament’s election constituencies Between indvidual and multiple constituencies Comparative analytical study


  • Esmael Najmadin Zangna Law department, College of Law, Cihan University-Sulaimaniya, Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



    The single constituency of the Kurdistan Parliament elections has been adopted over the five electoral cycles held in the region. This type of electoral districts allocation in the region is one of the few applications adopted by the electoral systems in the countries of the world, to the extent that it is considered an exception to the general rule that requires multiple electoral districts.

 The adoption of a single circle in reality results in different outcomes and ramifications related to both the electorate and the elected, as well as the electoral processes and the political process as a whole and the participation of citizens in it, and, in comparison to the adoption of multi constituency, they create very different results.

 This study attempts to show the concepts and frameworks related to the methods of selection and distribution of constituencies and the results and evaluation of any of them, by making reference to the relevant authority to determine and distribute constituencies, and this study asked whether the same authority can regulate the allocation or it has to be done by the establishing authority, and the selection would be the jurisdiction of another authority such as the legislative or executive.

 This research paper has examined point of view of voters in the Kurdistan Region through the adoption of a questionnaire that asked their views and attitudes towards the unity of the electoral districts, as well as their aspirations to move to adopt the style of multiple constituencies. The results of the questions raised within the framework of the questionnaire have a direct effect in assisting the researcher in presenting a proposal or a project to apply the method of multi constituencies to the elections of the Kurdistan Parliament in subsequent sessions by including the constitution of the upcoming region with related constitutional articles and making the necessary amendments in the electoral laws and texts.


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How to Cite

Zangna, E. N. . (2020). Determining the Kurdistan parliament’s election constituencies Between indvidual and multiple constituencies Comparative analytical study. Halabja University Journal, 5(1), 75-93.