The Implications of Using Electronic Devices (iPad as an Example) By Kindergarten Children


  • Jwan Bahaden Ali Department, Education Faculty, Koya University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



Implications, Electronic devices, iPad


The aim of the current research is to identify the implications of using electronic devices (iPad as an example) by kindergarten children of (social, psychological, physical-physical and linguistic), Aspects in general and according to the variables of sex, age and time spent in using electronic means, for that purpose a scale consisting of (30) items and with (always, a lot, sometimes, a little, never) choices, the scale was distributed on (70) children selected intentionally and the sample totally was (51), with (28) boys and (23) girls .
Finally, the results showed that there is an effect of the iPad on all four aspects in general and especially the social aspect, and the results also showed that there were no statistically significant differences between children in the impact of the iPad according to the (gender and age) variables,
but there was statistically significant differences between children in the impact of the iPad device according to (time spent in using iPad), So that the more time in using the leads to more impact on children in all the aforementioned aspects.
Key Words: implications, electronic devices, iPad.



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How to Cite

Bahaden Ali, J. . (2021). The Implications of Using Electronic Devices (iPad as an Example) By Kindergarten Children. Halabja University Journal, 6(1), 348-365.

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