Analysis of the OPEC oil price crisis during the period between the years 1961 - 2019)


  • Salwa Tofiq Muhammed Department of Geography, College of Arts, University of Salahaddin, Erbil City, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Sasan Hikmt Ali Department of Geography, College of Arts, University of Salahaddin, Erbil City, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • ‌Hamed Abdulla Salih Department of Social Sciences, College of Basic Education, University of Salahaddin, Erbil City, Kurdistan Region, Iraq





Analysis of the OPEC oil price crisis during the period between the years 1961 - 2019)
since oil was discovered in a commercial to date Competitor acquiring، did not lose the oil and economic importance at the international level، in particular the global level in general، because the oil with close ties to the economy of the consuming and producing countries in addition to the inability of the world to find a source of renewable and non-renewable sources of energy، both to replace oil.
Because of its importance in the world economy، which made the oil market is not restricted or legally binding rules of the market، but affected by a range of political factors contradictory gradual disengagement strategy between the big industrialized countries and consuming countries، underdeveloped and productive، there is no doubt that this Working Group was the Republic of the main influential in oil prices. Thus our view of the WORTHIEST to address this issue through research patterns opec))Oil Prices Mixed during an extended period between the years 1961 - 2019) with a view to know the pace of oil prices during the period mentioned in order to achieve this we must talk about the method of determining the price of oil with the shed light on the prices before the founding of the Organization of (opec)، and during the time period divided into several phases of time study with the analysis of the price of oil during each stage، at the end of the research reached a set of conclusions which may be of use to researchers in determining the fluctuation of oil prices during the specified period of time.


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How to Cite

Tofiq Muhammed, S. ., Hikmt Ali, S. ., & Abdulla Salih ‌. (2020). Analysis of the OPEC oil price crisis during the period between the years 1961 - 2019). Halabja University Journal, 5(4), 303-325.