Phenomenology and Sociology An Analytical Sociological Study


  • Aram Ali Faraj Sociology Department, College of Humanities Science, University of Sulaimani, Sulaimaniyah, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Ameer Khwdakaram Zandi Sociology Department, College of Humanities Science, University of Sulaimani, Sulaimaniyah, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



دراسة تحليلية, الظاهراتية و علم الاجتماع, كرداری كۆمه‌ڵایه‌تی, فینۆمینۆلۆجیا - جیهانی ژیان


Phenomenology, as a theory or as a method, occupied a prominent place in the humanities in general and sociology in particular. Especially after the crisis in which this science occurred, whether on the theoretical or methodological level. This situation prompted the theorists in those sciences to try to get out of this dilemma, and to solve this dilemma, they resorted to philosophy, especially modern philosophy and specifically the phenomenal philosophy as mentioned by Edmund Husserl and his followers from Martin Heidegger and Maurice Merloponte Jean-Paul Sartre and Paul Ricoeur. Despite great differences between each of these thinkers, there is a common line between them in their reliance on a methodology known as phenomenology.

This study is an attempt to highlight the broad lines of phenomenology in sociology. It started from Edmund Husserl and then at Alfred Schutz, where he benefited from the intellectual premises of Professor Husserl to overcome the crises of methodology in sociology.

Among the most prominent questions of the study: What is the difference between seeing the phenomenon with other points of view in sociology, especially the situation? What is his view of social action


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How to Cite

Faraj, A. A. ., & Zandi, A. K. (2020). Phenomenology and Sociology An Analytical Sociological Study. Halabja University Journal, 5(2), 267-277.