Enhanced protection of cultural property in times of armed conflict


  • Yaseen Myasar Aziz Department of Law, College of Law, Knowledge University, Kirkuk, Kurdistan Region, Iraq




The present research entitled (The Protection of Cultural Properties during the Armed Conflicts) is concerned with the issue of the protection of cultural properties during war. The importance of this subject matter is of historical importance, rooted in the ancient civilizations that are related to the reality of the States and the developments of international conventions, resolutions and conferences as well as increasing armed conflicts in various forms on a large scale in third world countries in general, and Arab countries, in particular. Therefore, the research here focused on the purpose of the protection system of cultural properties that was set during periods of the armed conflict, in which it increases the degree of protection given for such properties and reduces the chances of looting or destruction of such properties.  In that respect the paper contains two sections. The first section involves the provisions of the enhanced protection and its loss and the second section is the provisions and rules of protection for cultural properties in the course of invasion times. The research concluded with a number of results, the most important of which is the lack of interest in cultural properties that will lead to targeting all facilities, whether medical or even service. This protection is equivalent to saving 


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مواقع الانترنت :









How to Cite

Aziz , Y. M. . (2020). Enhanced protection of cultural property in times of armed conflict. Halabja University Journal, 5(2), 117-128. https://doi.org/10.32410/huj-10299