The role of the state in Amartya Sen›s theory of development


  • Tahseen Hamah Saeed Shamsulddin Department of law, College of law and politics, University of Human Development, Sulaimaniyah, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



  This search for a theory of development is one of the most important theory in the modern era and is accompanied by Amartya Sen, a Nobel economics prize in 1998 from the pioneer theorists of development and sustainable development that was not its founder, and his special theory of development has stimulated a lot of researchers writing about them, and became its owner Of the 100 most influential figures for more than a year, according to magazines specialized in this area, and adopted by many countries of the world.

   Amartya Sen›s theory of development is a theory of sustainable development. It is one of the most important of these theories. It is a fundamental theory that is influential in most of the later theories. It is one of the most important theories in development economics.

Amartya Sen›s theory is an approach that can be studied in different fields of knowledge such as politics, law, sociology and economics.

  Amartya Sen›s theory of development has two aspects, the first of which is his creation, and the second is Amartya Sen›s development: the first is the capacity approach adopted by the Organization for Development and many countries to assess development and development. A capacity approach is the ability of people to live their lives, which have evidence of their choice and appreciation.

 That the application of the theoretical aspects as well: along with respect to serve human education, health and income, along with the question of human choice for what is a guide to do this side of the participation rights in the development process and respect for his views, and here show the importance of the issue such as human rights and democracy in economic development.

    The research concluded that  Amartya Sen as one of the philosophers of economics, politics and law, with state intervention for development, provided that such intervention for the abilities of individuals and their development (development of man), and on condition that the state change its composition are members of the community involved in the formation of the state (development of mankind) And their decision-making process.

  The research recommends that the State intervene for development but how and to what conditions Amartia sen Requests to be available, so as to avoid the shortcomings that exist in the application of other intervention theories.


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How to Cite

Shamsulddin, T. H. S. . (2020). The role of the state in Amartya Sen›s theory of development. Halabja University Journal, 5(1), 185-208.