Using Media Campaign Against Terror Threats in Kurdistan Region -An Analytical study


  • Ibrahim Saeed Fathulla Media Department, Human Science College, University of Sulaimani, Sulaimaniyah, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Yohan Othman Hama Media Department, Human Science College, University of Sulaimani, Sulaimaniyah, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



 The objective of this research is to be informed about the contents of media campaigns that have been held by regional security directorates as part of counterterrorism campaigns in Kurdistan region.

Therefore , media materials including Security public awareness campaign video footages produced and published via either television stations or online from the period between 2014 to 2018 from both Sulaimani security (Asayish) directorate and Irbil security directorate have been taken  as data analysis.

In order to analyses the contents of these video footages both researchers use content analysis methodology of research and concludes that both Kurdistan region Security directorates (Asayish) held public awareness campaigns to affirm that insurgents and radicals groups in the region are dangerous to their community and assure them that Asayish is fearless force, has ability to defeat terrorist groups and protect the Kurdish public simultaneously. In Addition to state that Asayish has international military support to counter all terrorist attacks.




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How to Cite

Fathulla, . I. S. ., & Hama, Y. O. . (2020). Using Media Campaign Against Terror Threats in Kurdistan Region -An Analytical study. Halabja University Journal, 5(2), 307-330.